* ICEB 2020 formal Proceedings Book is available for download.
* ICEB 2020 conference photos is available for download.
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Prior proceedings books
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ICEB2020 session overview
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Program book (v.2020.12.08)
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2020 Informal proceedings zip file (Good until 2020.12.09)
Registration guidelines
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Initial submission
Call for papers
Conference tracks
Initial submission guidelines
Initial paper submission
Final submission
Final submission guidelines
Citation reference styles
Camera-ready template
Final paper submission

Note for registration fee:

The registration fee entitles you to have your abstract or full paper included in the All Papers Zip File and your name and the paper title in the Program Book. However, it does not include publishing your paper in the formal proceedings book. You need to pay the publication fee to get your paper included in the formal Proceedings Book. The book will be indexed by EI and SCOPUS before March next year.

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