* ICEB 2020 formal Proceedings Book is available for download.
* ICEB 2020 conference photos is available for download.
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Final submission guidelines
Citation reference styles
Camera-ready template
Final paper submission

Final Submission Guideline

Final Submission Guideline

  1. Please format the proceedings pages and citation styles according to the instructions in the following links.

    Citation Reference Styles
    Template for Camera-Ready Page

  2. Abstracts should be 1 to 3 pages. Panel proposals are treated as abstracts; it must include a list of panelists and are up to 3 pages only. Work-in-progress paper are requested at 4-7 pages. Full papers must be a complete research and with 8-25 pages (up to 10000 words), not including tables or figures, for indexing purpose. The shortest version of 8 pages should be prepared for the conference proceedings if author(s) would like to publish it in journals later on.
  3. Accepted papers/abstracts will be published in English in the conference proceedings online (with ISSN 1683-0040 indexed by EI/SCOPUS since 2005). However, a publication fee of USD 150 is required besides the registration fee.
  4. Only full papers can be indexed by EI/SCOPUS. Authors initially submit Abstracts or WIP papers can submit Full papers as the camera-ready versions before the conference. However, submission of revised paper after the conference for publication in the formal conference proceedings is limited to minor revisions; no upgrade of paper type is allowed.
  5. Please visit the following links to get familiar with the publication policy and ethics with ICEB.

    Publication Policy and Publication Ethics

*** Important note: Based on the content quality, ICEB Editorial Office reserves the right to exclude poor-quality content from the program book and the proceedings book to maintain the conference quality.

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